New Button That Could Change The Face of Email Marketing in Ireland…

by Keith Browning
Gmail – the largest email service provider in the world, recently introduced a new feature that seems to have gone unnoticed by most marketers.

For every promotional email sent to a Gmail account, Google will now include an “Unsubscribe” button right at the top of that email, giving users the ability to unsubscribe in one easy action. No need to search around looking for an unsubscribe link or having to click on the link and then be taken to a landing page where more information is required.

Once you click the button as above, you're asked to confirm...and done!

The news was revealed in an Aug. 6 Google+ post, where the company stated, "now when a sender includes an ‘Unsubscribe’ link in a Promotions, Social or Forums message, Gmail will surface it to the top, right next to the sender address.”

Why Marketers Will Be Concerned With This Development…

Emails that don’t have an option for unsubscribing will not be affected but Email Marketing laws in Ireland make it a requirement to include an unsubscribe option in each of your emails. So going forward, all promotional emails sent to Gmail accounts will be affected.   

With this new feature, Google have made it as easy as possible for users to unsubscribe from your database. This means an almost certain increase in your churn rate.

Why Marketers Should NOT Be Concerned…

The new feature from Gmail should be seen in a positive light by marketers. What we should see going forward are better quality email lists. 

While the size of your database might decrease, it will be filled with those that actually want to hear from you and not subscribers that will never buy from you and just cost money to keep. Your list size will decrease but in time you should see an increase in your open rates, click thru rates and conversions. 

You’ll have a smaller list to cater to and it will be full of those who actually want to hear from you. That can only be a good thing.

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