Five Irish Brands with Great Packaging

by Keith Browning

Great packaging can make an enormous difference to a brand and the success of any business. Great packaging increases the perceived value of a brand, ultimately allowing an organisation to command a premium price.

Surprisingly, here in Ireland, great packaging seems to be a rarity. Most organisations look like they’re trying to blend in instead of standing out with their packaging. The result is that they are ultimately lost on the shelf, trying to compete against the more interesting brands with better packaging that surround them.

However, some Irish brands have done a great job with their packaging - here are five I spotted recently...

1. Improper Butter

For more on Improper Butter, click HERE

2. Cully & Sully

For more on Cully & Sully, check out my other previous blog post HERE or see the official website HERE

3. Bo Bristle

For more on Bo Bristle, click

4. Keogh’s

For more on Keogh’s, check out my other previous blog post HERE or see the official website HERE

5. Donnelly
For more on Donnelly, click HERE

Attractive shapes, clever copy, eye catching colors, with a dash of that something unexpected – something remarkable. All of these elements and more combine to make great packaging and I think the five above have done a great job in these areas.

Packaging makes a huge difference to the success of these brands and helps them get noticed for the right reasons. 

Congratulations to these 5 great Irish Brands! 

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